The Corpus Documentale Latinum Gallaeciae (CODOLGA) project has just published version number 20 of its textual database. This project is directed by USC Professor of Latin Philology Xosé Carracedo Fraga and has been developed for almost 30 years within the framework of an agreement between USC and the Ramón Piñeiro Center for Research in the Humanities.
The database is updated annually with medieval documentation in Latin language related to Galicia between the 6th century and the 15th century, both inclusive. The computer resource in which this documentation is openly available (https://corpus.cirp.es/codolga) allows searching for any word or set of words according to various criteria, which makes this textual corpus a fundamental tool for search for information for teaching and research of various kinds about medieval Galicia: linguistic, literary, historical, cultural or sociological. In this new version, 20,320 documentary texts are already included.
The CODOLGA project is part of the join venture between the different projects in the Iberian Peninsula dedicated to working with medieval documentary texts in the Latin language of the respective territories. This network is called Corpus Documentale Latinum Hispaniarum (CODOLHISP) and is recognized by the Ministry of Science and Innovation as a research network of excellence. A fruit of this collaborative work is another resource that allows combined queries and searches in the respective documentary corpora (http://codolhisp.imf.csic.es/codolhisp/).
In addition, this year the CODOLGA project also made open access the first version of the new resource Fontes Textuais da Galicia Medieval (FONTEGAM; https://corpus.cirp.gal/fontegam). This new resource is the result of the coordination and collaboration between CODOLGA and the Corpus do Galego-Portugués Antigo project (CGPA; http://ilg.usc.gal/cgpa/), directed by the professor of Galician Philology at USC Xavier Varela Barreiro at the Instituto da Lingua Galega. The objective is to offer a tool that allows the joint and combined search of information in the respective Latin texts and Romance texts about any time and place in Galicia in the Middle Ages.