The Research Group “Classical and Medieval Studies” (GI 1908) regrets to announce the death, on January 27, 2025, of Concepción Cabrillana, Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Santiago, who belonged to this Research Group from the beginning. and was its...
Professor Varela Rodríguez has just published the volume: Más allá del Códice Calixtino. Otros textos en torno a Santiago el Mayor hasta el siglo XII (Santiago de Compostela, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2024). This book contains a collection of texts or...
The journal Classical Quarterly (Cambridge University Press) has just published in its 78th volume the article by Professor Cecilia Criado entitled “The Guilt of Cadmus the Farmer in Statius’ Thebaid”, which can be accessed openly at...
The Peter Lang publishing house in Berlin has just brought to light the edition with introduction and notes of a work of medical content published in 1597: La conservación de la salud del cuerpo y del alma, by the doctor and professor at the University of Salamanca,...
These volumes contain a selection of contributions first presented at the 21st International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, held in Santiago de Compostela (2022). They cover essential topics in Latin linguistics from a variety of theoretical and methodological...
The Corpus Documentale Latinum Gallaeciae (CODOLGA) project has just published version number 20 of its textual database. This project is directed by USC Professor of Latin Philology Xosé Carracedo Fraga and has been developed for almost 30 years within the framework...
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