
Professor Varela Rodríguez has just published, through the SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo publishing house, a monograph that comprises critical edition, translation, study, and commentary on the sections currently preserved from the Excerpta sancti Gregorii by Taio of Zaragoza (CPL 1269). This work constitutes an exegetical commentary on Scripture, constructed from excerpts of Gregory the Great. The edition and the study are significant not only for furthering our understanding of the often misunderstood literary production of Taio but also for delving into the indirect tradition of the works of Gregory the Great, particularly within the Hispanic branch of that tradition. This volume also includes the study, edition, translation, and commentary of several mostly unpublished works that share the manuscript tradition of the Excerpta and could potentially be attributed to Taio or his school.: De aenigmatibus in Salomone, De muliere forti, Commentarius in Ecclesiasten I, Commentarius in Ecclesiasten II, Alia excerpta in Proverbia.