The Research Group “Classical and Medieval Studies” (GI 1908) regrets to announce the death, on January 27, 2025, of Concepción Cabrillana, Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Santiago, who belonged to this Research Group from the beginning. and was its Coordinator for several years. She stood out for her dedication and support for all the initiatives. She had an special role as an organizer of the 21st International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, which took place at the University of Santiago from May 30 to June 3, 2022 and of which she published the Proceedings: Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2024 ). Since 2022 she was part of the International Committee on Latin Linguistics.
Concepción Cabrillana studied at the University of Seville, where she graduated in 1985 and where she obtained her doctorate in 1991.
Her research focused on the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of various types of verbs, and especially those of state and existence; In that area she published a monograph on the verb sum (2010).
She was a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Amsterdam, Oxford (Wolfson College) and Liège and collaborated in international research projects such as the New Historical Syntax of Latin (2009-2011). In recent years she also dedicated herself to examining various aspects of case syntax, subordination and the order of constituents in Latin.
Other lines of his research focused on Latin literature (comedy), vulgar and late Latin, the Latin writings of Thomas More—fields in which he has published various works—and the critical editing and translation of Latin texts (Terentius, Tacitus, Thomas More).
Her publications and other research merits are detailed on the website of the University of Santiago: https://investigacion.usc.gal/investigadores/58489/detalle
The text of many of his works can be found in Academia: https://usc-es.academia.edu/Concepci%C3%B3nCabrillana and Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Concepcion_Cabrillana.