The Corpus Documentale Latinum Gallaeciae (CODOLGA) project has just published a new version of its database, number 18. This project is directed by Professor Xosé Carracedo Fraga of the USC Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology, and is developed within the framework of an existing agreement between the USC and the Ramón Piñeiro Center for Research in the Humanities. The database is updated annually with medieval documentation in Latin language related to Galicia between the 6th century and the 15th century, both inclusive. The computer infrastructure in which this documentation is available allows searching for any word or group of words according to various criteria, which makes this textual corpus a basic tool for teaching and research of various kinds on medieval Galicia: linguistic, literary, historical, cultural or sociological.
In this new version 18,873 documentary texts are included. Some of the adjustments and improvements were also applied to the information provided and to the computer application, which were discussed at the international colloquium “The corpora documentalia Latina of the Iberian Peninsula on the 25th anniversary of CODOLGA”, held in the CRPIH on last November 18th and 19th, which included the participation of members of the different teams from Spain and Portugal working on medieval Latin documentation. At that meeting there was also the opportunity to discuss progress made and future goals and prospects within the common collaborative project that has already given rise to the Corpus Documentale Latinum Hispaniarum (CODOLHISP) network and the corresponding computer interface that allows joint searches in the respective documentary corpora.
The CODOLGA project website also has a section on “sources and studies” dedicated to collecting other important medieval Latin texts around medieval Gallaecia or some unique studies in the project’s field. In this new issue, that section is enriched with two brief but interesting historical texts by Diego de Muros II (ca. 1450-1525) about the military campaigns of the armies of the Catholic Monarchs in Malaga in 1487 and in Granada in year 1488.